Is the StkASv2K.exe process a virus, spyware or malware?

Process description:

Syntek STK1150 Service

Author: Syntek America Inc.
Part of: Unknown
The StkASv2K.exe process was developed by Syntek America Inc, and is reportedly used by some brands of computer web-cams.
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... rated this process as unknown
This file appears on the Windows Task Manager. It came from Ulead (Corel) EasyCap digital video program. The program was uninstalled in the "remove programs", shortcuts deleted, folder in the Programs files deleted, however still appears on start up in the Windows Task Manager and tries to install the USB hardware. Ending the process on the Windows Task Manager will take care of the problem until the next computer start up. Corel claims no responsibility stating the product was sold to another company (Syntek) and their web site (China)is useless. Anyone having a similar problem and found how to remove the file please let me know. Thanks.
... rated this process as normal
StkASv2K appears to a/the component of USB2.0 Vidbox from Syntek as you noted. I found the entry under Services Tab in msconfig.exe. Use this tool with care (read: you can really screw things up in here!). But if you uncheck the box it will not load on the bootup. It may be benign and I have no idea how it was installed, but it IS listed in Add or Remove Programs. Proceed accordingly.
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