Is the daemon.exe process a virus, spyware or malware?

Process description:

Daemon Tools

Author: Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
Part of: Daemon Tools
Process 'daemon.exe' is the main application process associated with 'Daemon Tools' a disk image emulator and optical disc authoring program used by Microsoft Windows.

Daemon Tools is used as a tool to bypass software copy-protection. Some software publishers now attempt to disable Daemon Tools by searching for the daemon.exe process on startup and then attempting to disable it.

Daemon Tools in return has developed strategies to hide its presence from other software by means of randomising the name of the virtual drivers installed by its software.
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Common location(s):
C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools
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... did not rate the security threat of this process.
Summary is incorrect. Daemon Tools is used to mount ISO images so you don't have to first burn them to a disc. Daemon creates a virtual cd drive and mounts the ISOs to it. Violating copy protection has nothing to do with it. Even Microsoft distributes software via ISO format!
... rated this process as normal
Actually the summary is correct. note the use of the word emulate.
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